

From Our Network of Animal Lovers
The Full Gamut 2021 elizabeth allen end-of-life guest blogger september Sep 29, 2021


Elizabeth Allen is a writer, poet and blogger who writes books about her life with animals. She is a student in our Animal Hospice Practitioner Certification Program through Animal Hospice Group, bringing what she believes is more accreditation to the field of animal hospice. She has...
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What Does the Word Hospice Mean to You? 2021 hospice september Sep 22, 2021

What Does the Word Hospice Mean to You?
Written by Gail Pope

Growing up in England, I learned that hospice is a place where people go to die and that hospice care is given to someone who is dying. The only people who could have helped me understand anything deeper were my mum and dad and they...

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Continuing Bonds 2021 continuing bonds elizabeth allen guest blogger september Sep 01, 2021


"I've worked as a loss and bereavement support for pet parents for over a decade and there is so much in this course and training that gives the work I do more accreditation. The subject of continuing bonds really spoke to me as a true and valid way of continued healing after the...

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