

From Our Network of Animal Lovers
Expanding Our Hearts: Grief and Kindness within Veterinary Medicine anticipatory grief grief guest blogger mollyrose dumm veterinary teams and practices Feb 21, 2024

Expanding Our Hearts: Grief and Kindness within Veterinary Medicine

By Mollyrose Dumm, CAHP
Guest Blogger & Veterinary Client Liaison

I have spent 10 years in veterinary medicine, and 6+ years (professionally) in rescue and rehabilitation of both people and animals before that in a...

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Life and Soul Dog ā€“ An Animal Communicator and her Canine Companion share their Experiences and Wisdom to Help and Inspire You animal communicator anticipatory grief anya gore guest blogger leishmaniasis senior dog Aug 01, 2023

Life and Soul Dog

An Animal Communicator, Anya Gore, and her Canine Companion share their Experiences and Wisdom to Help and Inspire You.

When our beloved dog Zoe was dying, having struggled for some years with Leishmaniasis, she planted a seed in my mind and heart.

This seed was to write a...

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Celebrating pet wellness month: Animal hospice and my senior horse 2022 animal hospice anticipatory grief death exhaustion stage horse national pet wellness month october path of least regret plan ahead tracy brad Oct 21, 2022

Photo in post (header): Misty so content in retirement, 2013. Author’s note: A version of this story was originally published in Pet Connection Magazine’s holiday 2013 edition. This is part of Animal Hospice Group’s National Pet Wellness series.

Celebrating pet wellness month:...

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