Animal Hospice and Palliative Care Certification Program
Animal Hospice Group Internship & Helpline
LIVE Virtual/Online Learning and Hands-On Training with the Best
Learning Is More Than Listening
Learning involves more than the completion of coursework. Some have said, “The day you get a degree, it’s obsolete.” This is true for almost every college, university, or professional training center. Regardless of your training as a veterinary team member, animal practitioner, or caregiver, one thing is true: Learning requires hands-on continuous education. We believe the most effective way to learn and truly become skilled involves...

Self-paced online 9-module coursework learning with the Animal Hospice Group Founders gives you knowledge.
Certified Animal Hospice

LIVE Online Training
Hands-on advanced counselor online training with expert instructors, mentors, and peer reviews gives you guidance.
Certified Animal Hospice

Helping Pet Caregivers
Responding to online Animal Hospice and Palliative Care requests on the Helpline while being mentored gives you experience.
Certified Animal Hospice
Helpline Specialist

Three Levels of Skills
Completion of all three levels in the certification track gives you confidence and competence. Start your journey today!
Certified Animal Hospice
How Does the Internship Work?
After the AHG Level 1 Foundations Coursework (Curriculum) has been completed, you can advance to the AHG Level 2 Counseling training and AHG Level 3 for our AHG Internship on the Helpline. This allows students to gain hands-on experience by responding to animal caregivers in urgent need while supported by mentors and animal hospice care practitioners. Completing the Internship ensures your certification(s) are more than bookwork. The internship will help you gain confidence and competence. You'll be able to ask mentors questions, refine your skills, and be a source of comfort for pet parents by serving on our online Animal Hospice Helpline.
Makes A Difference
Once you know what to do, it's vital you learn how to do it. The first time you begin to use your training with a caregiver and animal companion, having a mentor available will build your confidence. Our goal is to unleash your potential, so you can become certified and be ready to go. Long term, we want you equipped to give back by mentoring others from your own experience.

Details to Get You Started on the
Certified Animal Hospice Practitioner Certification Track
Levels 1, 2, and 3 = CAHP Track
Do you want to support companion animals and their families for better animal end-of-life journeys? Our training program provides comprehensive training for individuals offering end-of-life care to pets and support to their caregivers. The program has three levels of certification programs covering pet hospice and palliative care fundamentals, counseling, and Helpline operations. Upon completion of the program levels, you will receive the CAHP credentials. Become a Certified Animal Hospice Practitioner today!
Learn About the AHG Certification Levels
“Caregiving in the face of the impending loss of a loved one is a tremendous challenge, offering the possibility of cherished memories that last a lifetime. Compassionate and knowledgeable support helps make these possibilities a reality. Offering such compassionate and knowledgeable support can be tremendously rewarding for the person providing support, for a profound win-win experience.”
– Dr. Amir Shanan DVM, AHG Founder