

From Our Network of Animal Lovers
Grieving One’s Soulmate Dog dogs grief guest blogger michelle b. slater pet loss Jun 14, 2024

Grieving One’s Soulmate Dog

By Michelle B. Slater, Ph.D.
Guest Blogger |

Having grieved my own beloved animal companion—a charismatic and profound German shepherd named Brady—I would like to share the wisdom I learned as I mourned his loss with...

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But I Didn’t Get to Say Good-bye: Coping with Sudden Traumatic Multiple Pet Loss kathryn marocchino kathryn's korner pet loss the nikki foundation for pets Mar 29, 2024

But I Didn’t Get to Say Good-bye: Coping with Sudden Traumatic Multiple Pet Loss

By Kathryn D. Marocchino, PhD, FT
Animal Hospice Group Founder and Instructor/Lecturer

On March 5 of this year 2024, The Nikki Hospice Foundation for Pets, in partnership with the...

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Expanding Our Hearts: Grief and Kindness within Veterinary Medicine anticipatory grief grief guest blogger mollyrose dumm veterinary teams and practices Feb 21, 2024

Expanding Our Hearts: Grief and Kindness within Veterinary Medicine

By Mollyrose Dumm, CAHP
Guest Blogger & Veterinary Client Liaison

I have spent 10 years in veterinary medicine, and 6+ years (professionally) in rescue and rehabilitation of both people and animals before that in a...

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My Thoughts About Celebrations and Transitions ahg founder celebrations transitions Jan 08, 2024

My Thoughts About Celebrations and Transitions

By Dr. Amir Shanan, DVM, CHPV
Animal Hospice Group Co-founder & Instructor/Lecturer
Shared in Animal Hospice Group’s December 27, 2023 Discussion Group

Definitions of “celebrate”: 
  • Show that a day or an event is...
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Animal Hospice Care and Daily Life ahg founder animal hospice care senior pets Dec 20, 2023

Animal Hospice Care and Daily Life

By Gail Pope
Animal Hospice Group Co-founder

Being offered a terminal diagnosis for our beloved animal (or human) can be a heart stopping moment, but as Emily Dickinson’s beautiful quote says – hope is always available to us.


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Letting Go of Guilt in Animal Hospice Care 2023 grief michelle nichols national animal hospice month november Nov 18, 2023

Letting Go of Guilt in Animal Hospice Care:
Breaking the ties that bind us

By Michelle Nichols, MS, CAHP
Animal Hospice Group Co-founder & Instructor/Lecturer

Why is it so common to experience overwhelming guilt after the death of a beloved animal companion? While working with families,...

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How I Hit Gold in Animal Hospice Education and Never Looked Back! animal hospice education elizabeth allen guest blogger Oct 03, 2023

How I Hit Gold in Animal Hospice Education and Never Looked Back!

By Elizabeth Allen
Guest Blogger | The Caretakers Animal Care

You never know how your passion will lead you to your dream job. Callings are almost impossible to ignore. But suppose your passion has anything to do with...

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Talking End-of-Life with My Young and Healthy Animal Companion, Mhyah animal communicator end-of-life guest blogger joanne yeoh Aug 28, 2023

Talking End-of-Life with My Young and Healthy Animal Companion, Mhyah

By Joanne Yeoh
Guest Blogger | Animal Communication Insights

Have you ever imagined having a heart-to-heart conversation about end-of-life care with your young and healthy pet?

The Animal Hospice Group Certification...

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Life and Soul Dog – An Animal Communicator and her Canine Companion share their Experiences and Wisdom to Help and Inspire You animal communicator anticipatory grief anya gore guest blogger leishmaniasis senior dog Aug 01, 2023

Life and Soul Dog

An Animal Communicator, Anya Gore, and her Canine Companion share their Experiences and Wisdom to Help and Inspire You.

When our beloved dog Zoe was dying, having struggled for some years with Leishmaniasis, she planted a seed in my mind and heart.

This seed was to write a...

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Let’s Celebrate Life! cécile ruelle dogs guest blogger senior dog Jun 30, 2023

Let's Celebrate Life!

By Cécile Ruelle
Guest Blogger | Mon Chien, Mon Partenaire & Light & Soul

Funny just turned 16.5 years old on June 30th. Isn't it interesting how we celebrate “halves” when our companions near their departure time (as we all...

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Saying Goodbye: How do you know when it’s time to put your pet to sleep? animal communicator guest blogger joanne yeoh pet euthanasia senior dog Jun 14, 2023

Saying Goodbye: How do you know when it’s time to put your pet to sleep?

An insightful guide from animal communicator, Joanne Yeoh, to help you talk to your animal companions about making this painful decision.

Of all the different professions I’ve held, I find my animal communication...

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My Passion for Dogs Bloomed into a Family Story cécile ruelle guest blogger May 12, 2023

My Passion for Dogs Bloomed into a Family Story

By Cécile Ruelle
Guest Blogger | Mon Chien, Mon Partenaire & Light & Soul

Since it’s the first time you are reading something from me, I’ll start by introducing myself and our family.  


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